2009-2014: 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院硕博连读
2011-2013: 麻省理工学院(MIT)机械学院 联合培养博士
2005-2009: 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院 本科
[1]L. Ma, J.J. Wang, A. Marconnet, A. Barbati, G. McKinley, W. Liu, G. Chen, Viscosity and thermal conductivity of stable graphite suspension near percolation,Nano Letters, 15(1): 127–133, 2015.
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[1]L. Ma, W. Liu, J. Yang, X.Y. Zhang, Physical quantity synergy analysis and efficiency evaluation criteria of convective heat transfer enhancement(特邀报告),International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advance for Energy conservation and Pollution Control, Xi’an, China, 2011.
[2]L. Ma, J.J. Wang, A. Marconnet, G. Chen, Viscosity and thermal conductivity of stable graphite suspension near percolation, The 4th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology, Shanghai, China, 2013.
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