胡芸菲 副教授
2000-2005 华南理工大学,机械工程学院,材料加工工程专业,工学博士
1996-2000 华南理工大学,材料学院,无机非金属材料专业,工学学士
2017-至今 深圳技术大学新材料与新能源学院,副教授
2015-2017 挪威Norsun公司,Research Scientist
2011-2014 挪威北方研究所(Northern Research Institute),高级研究员
2006-2011 挪威可再生能源公司(REC Scancell),太阳电池效率主管
2005-2006 中山大学,博士后
1. 太阳能光伏系统与智能微网
2. 第三代高效太阳能电池
3. 太阳能组件可靠性
1. 光储直柔联合实验室,深技大校企合作项目,主持,在研
2. 消费型太阳能光伏功率优化器的研制,深技大自制设备项目,主持,在研
3. 薄膜太阳能组件的光学性能测试研究,横向课题,主持,在研
4. 双面太阳能组件性能测试与仿真,横向课题,主持,在研
5. 异质结太阳电池短波响应提升途径研究,深技大校企合作项目,主持,结题
6. 半透明彩色薄膜太阳能光伏系统的性能研究,主持,结题
7. Critical increase in solar cell production competitiveness by innovations in cell efficiency, volume and yield while tolerating zero defects,Norwegian Research Council,主持,结题
8. Study on abnormal increase of reverse current in partially shadowed solar module (217654), Norwegian Research Council,主持,结题
9. Solar Module Power Loss Due to Specific Shading in Northern Regions (226339), Norwegian Research Council,主持,结题
10. 颗粒硅带衬底上大晶粒多晶硅薄膜研究,国家自然科学基金(50376067),参与,结题
11. 颗粒硅带衬底上多晶硅薄膜电池的研制,国家863计划(2001AA513060),参与,结题
1. Jinxing He, Yunfei Hu*, et al.,Effects of Pre-deposition on the Optoelectronic Properties of AZO Films by Atomic Layer Deposition,Journal of Material Science: Materials in electronics, 2023.09
2. Ren Chen, Yunfei Hu,* et al. Silicon quantum dots prepared by electrochemical etching and their application in solar cells. Journal of Material Science: Materials in electronics (2023) 34:1105
3. Jinyun Liu*, Ting Zhou, Tianli Han, Liying Zhu, Yan Wang, Yunfei Hu*, et al. Engineering a ternary one-dimensional Fe2P@SnP0.94@MoS2 mesostructure through magnetic-field-induced self-assembly as a high-performance lithium-ion battery anode, Chemical Communications, 2022.03, 33
4. Zhen Zhang, Ming Liu, Lei Wang*, Tianpeng Chen, Lei Zhao, Yunfei Hu, Chuanjia Xu. Optimization of indium recovery from waste crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells by acid leaching. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021-111218
5. Jianqiang Wang, Xiaoning Ru, Tianyu Ruan, Yunfei Hu*, Yongzhe Zhang*, and Hui Yan*. Performance of heterojunction solar cells with different intrinsic a-Si:H thin layers deposited by RF- and VHF-PECVD. Journal of Material Science: Materials in electronics (2021) 32:25327–25331
6. Jianqiang Wang, Chuncai Meng, Huan Liu, Yunfei Hu*, Lei Zhao*, Wenjing Wang, Xixiang Xu, Yongzhe Zhang*, and Hui Yan*. Application of Indium Tin Oxide/Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Transparent Conductive Oxide Stack Films in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2021,4
7. Zhen Zhang, Minyan Wu, Yue Lu, Chuanjia Xu, Lei Wang*, Yunfei Hu, Fei Zhang. The mathematical and experimental analysis on the steady-state operating temperature of bifacial photovoltaic modules.
8. Minghan Li, Yunfei Hu, Peigang Han. Cadmium telluride thin film PV system under the shadow. Proceedings in PVSEC-30, Jeju Korea, 2020-09
9. Yunfei Hu*, High-Resolution Lock-in Thermography Investigation on Industrial Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 2013, 3(3)
10. 胡芸菲,沈辉等,温度对RTCVD法制备多晶硅薄膜生长的影响. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 35(4)
11. 胡芸菲,沈辉等,多晶硅薄膜太阳电池的研究与进展. 太阳能学报, 2005, 26(2)
12. Hu Yunfei, Shen Hui, et al. Observation on defects in polycrystalline silicon thin films, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2005, 18(3)
13. Yunfei Hu, Juan Cardenas, etc. Solar-Wind hybrid systems: A feasibility study, Proceedings in International Conference on Cold Climate Technology, May 2014, Norway.
14. Hu Yunfei, Guo Zhiqiu, Liu Xiyun, et al. Surface morphology and defects of polycrystalline silicon thin film, Technical Digest of 15th PVSEC, 2005, Shanghai (953-954)
15. Y. F. Hu, H. Shen, Z. C. Liang, et al. Growth behavior of polycrystalline silicon thin films prepared by RTCVD, Technical Digest of 14th PVSEC conference, 2004-01,Bangkok.