Wimmer Georg, Professor
Dr. Georg Wimmer received his Ph.D. from the Munich Technical University, Germany in Numerical Mathematics. Later he worked as a research assistant at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg, Germany. His professional career started as a senior research and development engineer at Ansoft Corporation and Ansys Inc. in Pittsburgh, USA. In 2012 he was appointed professor of numerical mathematics and mathematics at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt in Germany. From 2015 until 2022 he worked for the company ElectromagneticWorks, headquartered in Montréal, Canada in various positions as key developer, manager of the German office and director of research. His research interests are computational electromagnetics, numerical mathematics and high performance computing. He has written around forty publications and is acting as a reviewer for the journal Transactions on Magnetics as well as Compumag, CEFC and ISEM conferences.
Academic Background:
November 1998 - May 2004, Munich Technology University, Germany, Faculty of Numerical Mathematics, Doctoral Degree
November 1996 - October 1998, Munich Technology University, Germany, Mathematics, Master's Degree
November 1992 - October 1996, Munich Technology University, Germany, Mathematics, Bachelor's Degree
November 1992 - October 1994, Munich Technology University, Germany, Physics, Bachelor's Degree
Work Experience:
October 2023 – Present, Shenzhen Technology University, School of New Materials and New Energy, P.R. China, Professor
February 2015 - August 2022, ElectromagneticWorks Inc., Montréal, Canada, Key Developer, Director of Research and Manager of the German Office
September 2012 – September 2023, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Würzburg, Germany, Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities, Professor
January 2008 - August 2012, Ansys Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, Senior Research and Development Engineer
August 2008 - December 2008, Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, USA, Research and Development Engineer
July 2004 - July 2008, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany, Chair for Theory in Electrical Engineering and Computational Electromagnetics, Postdoctoral Fellow
Major Honors:
2008 Subcommittee member for the draft 'IEEE PC95.3.1/D1.5 Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Human Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields, 0-100 kHz', chaired by Howard Bassen (Leader, Electromagnetics and Wireless Laboratory, Division of Physics, Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD), USA
1991 Student award at the National Mathematics Competition, Germany
1989 Scholarship from Augsburg University, Germany
1990 Scholarship from Ulm and Konstanz University, Germany
1990 Student award at the National Mathematics Competition, Germany
1989 Student award at the National Mathematics Competition, Germany
Research Interests:
1. Computational Electromagnetics
2. Numerical and Computational Mathematics
3. High Performance Computing
Research Projects:
6. Research Project supported by the Bundeswehr Research Institute for Protective Technologies and CBRN Protection, Germany on “Finite Element Methods for Adaptive Grids”, 2019-2021, Leader.
5. Research Project supported by the Bavarian Center for China, Calculation of RLCG-Parameters, 2015-2018, Leader.
4. Research Project supported by the Bundeswehr Research Institute for Protective Technologies and CBRN Protection, Germany on a “Concept Study for Quality Assurance for a 2D-FEM Electrostatic Solver”, 2015-2016, Leader.
3. Corporate Project with Calabazas Creek Research, Mountain View, CA, USA on “Representation of Currents in 3D-Magnetostatics”, 2008, Leader.
2. Research Project supported by the German Research Foundation on “Fully Space-Time-Adaptive Methods for the Numerical Calculation of Transient Magnetic Fields”, July 2004 - October 2007, Participant.
1. Special Research Center on Transatmospheric Vehicles (SFB 255) supported by the German Research Foundation on “Stabilized Optimal Flight Trajectories”, 1998 - 2003, Participant.
Representative Papers:
7. G. Wimmer, S. Lange, Transient magnetic field formulation for solid source conductors, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 64, 1539-1545, 2020.
6. M. Clemens, J. Lang, D. Teleaga, G. Wimmer, Adaptivity in Space and Time for Magnetoquasistatics, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 27, No. 5, 2009, pp. 642-656.
5. G. Wimmer, M. Clemens, J. Lang, Calculation of Magnetic Fields with Finite Elements, In: From Nano to Space: Applied Mathematics Inspired by Roland Bulirsch, Eds.: M. Breitner, G. Denk, P. Rentrop, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008.
4. T. Steinmetz, G. Wimmer, T. Steinmetz, M. Clemens, Error Control Schemes for Adaptive Time Integration of Magnetodynamic Systems with Variable Spatial Mesh Resolution, COMPEL Vol. 26, No. 3, 2007, pp. 758-772, Presented at the 12th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering (IGTE 2006), Graz, Austria, 09/17-20/2006. Conference Proceedings, pp. 192-197, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz (ISBN-10: 3-902465-56-5; ISBN-13: 978-3-902465-56-6).
3. G. Wimmer, T. Steinmetz, M. Clemens, “Reuse, Recycle, Reduce (3R) – Strategies for the Calculation of Transient Magnetic Fields, Applied Numerical Mathematics , Vol. 59, pp. 830-844, 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.apnum.2008.03.015. Presented at the NUMDIFF-11 conference held in Halle, Germany, 09/04-08/2006.
2. T. Steinmetz, M. Helias, G. Wimmer, L.O. Fichte, M. Clemens, Electro-Quasistatic Field Simulations based on a Discrete Electromagnetism Formulation, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 755-758, April 2006.
1. R. Callies, G. Wimmer, Optimization of Hypersonic Flight Trajectories, ZAMM 79, S3, S. 929-930, 1999.
Contact Information:
E-mail: georgwimmer@sztu.edu.cn