单 通
来源:   作者:   点击数:   日期:2024/09/03
职务名称 助理教授

单通  助理教授


面向显示照明、光伏、传感探测领域的关键功能材料与光电器件,开发新一代的光电子半导体技术。从新材料、器件结构、物理模型、制造工艺、工程实现等方面入手,研究高性能有机功能材料与电致发光器件、太阳能电池、光电探测器,探索光电转换过程中的新机制、新原理,并面向实际应用开发具有普适性、高鲁棒性的制造工艺。主持国家自然科学(青年)基金中国博士后科学基金面上项目;作为课题技术骨干,参与国家重点研发计划重点专项等。以第一作者在Nature Communications、Advanced Functional Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等国际高水平学术期刊共发表SCI收录论文7篇(JCR Q1 5篇),国际会议论文2篇(微电子器件、集成电路领域顶会1篇)。共参与40多篇SCI论文的发表,H因子20,ORCID: 0000-0001-5695-2543。


2017.09-2021.06 上海交通大学, 化学与化工学院,理学博士

2014.09-2017.06 吉林大学, 化学学院, 理学硕士

2010.09-2014.06 吉林大学, 化学学院, 工学学士


2024.05-至今        深圳技术大学,新材料与新能源学院,助理教授

2021.07-2024.03  上海交通大学,电子信息与电气工程学院,博士后








[1]主持, 国家自然科学青年基金, 30万元

[2]主持, 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 8万元


[1]Shan T., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Xie Z., Wei Q., Xu J., Zhang M., Wang C., Bao Q., Wang X., Chen C. C., Huang J., Chen Q.*, Liu F.*, Chen L.*, and Zhong H.* Universal and versatile morphology engineering via hot fluorous solvent soaking for organic bulk heterojunction.Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1): 5585.

[2]Shan T.#, Ding K.#, Yu L.*, Wang X., Zhang Y., Zheng X., Chen C. C., Peng Q., and Zhong H.* Spatially orthogonal 2D sidechains optimize morphology in all‐small‐molecule organic solar cells.Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(24): 2100750.

[3]Shan T., Wang Y., Chen Q.*, Xue Z., Guo X., Li W., and Zhong H.* Achieving efficient flexible and large-area organic solar cells via additive-assisted fluorous solvent soaking.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 146038.

[4]Shan T., Hong Y., Zhu L., Wang X., Zhang Y., Ding K., Liu F., Chen C. C., and Zhong H.* Achieving optimal bulk heterojunction in all-polymer solar cells by sequential processing with nonorthogonal solvents.ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11(45): 42438-42446.

[5]Shan T., Liu Y., Tang X., Bai Q., Gao Y., Gao Z., Li J., Deng J., Yang B., Lu P.*, and Ma Y. Highly efficient deep blue organic light-emitting diodes based on imidazole: Significantly enhanced performance by effective energy transfer with negligible efficiency roll-off.ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2016, 8(42): 28771-28779.

[6]Shan T.#, Gao Z.#, Tang X., He X., Gao Y., Li J., Sun X., Liu Y., Liu H., Yang B., Lu P.*, and Ma Y. Highly efficient and stable pure blue nondoped organic light-emitting diodes at high luminance based on phenanthroimidazole-pyrene derivative enabled by triplet-triplet annihilation. Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 142: 189-197.

[7]Shan T., Hou X., Yin X., and Guo X.* Organic photodiodes: device engineering and applications.Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2022, 15(1): 49.

[8]Liu H.#,Shan T.#, Yu N., Zheng N., Zhu L., Ma Z., Zhu M.* Suppress Energy Loss to Boost Power Conversion Efficiency of Organic Photovoltaics with Linear Side Chains Modulation.Organic Electronics, 2024, 128, 107019.

[9]Tang X.#,Shan T.#, Bai Q., Ma H., He X., and Lu P.* Efficient deep-blue electroluminescence based on phenanthroimidazole-dibenzothiophene derivatives with different oxidation states of the sulfur atom.Chemistry an Asian Journal, 2017, 12(5): 552-560.

[10]Yang Y.#,Shan T.#, Cao J., Wang H., Wang J., Zhong H., and Xu Y.* Unsymmetric side chains of indacenodithiophene copolymers lead to improved packing and device performance.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2019, 38(4): 342-348.


[1]Shan T.*, Li J., Zhou C., Chang F., and Guo X*. Organic Active-Matrix Imager with Ultra-low Illumination Detection Capacity for Lens-Free Optical Analysis.2023 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM),IEEE,2023. (微电子器件、集成电路领域顶会,图像传感器分会唯一入选的高校工作)

[2]Shan T., Li J., Hou X., Huang P., and Guo X. Live Demonstration: Efficient Organic Photodetector based Active Matrix Imager for Real-time Optical Character Recognition.2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS), IEEE, 2023)

