史蹟 客座教授
Ji Shi Guest Professor
史蹟教授现从事材料学专业,研究领域为金属物理、纳米结构功能材料、材料结构解析。主要研究课题为纳米结构磁性记录材料的制备技术及其结构、微观组织与性能的评价,包括新型垂直磁记录材料、新型巨磁阻材料的研制及机理的研究与开发等。他同时是日本金属学会、应用物理学会等会员,在日中国学者材料学会会长,大连理工大学海天学者客座教授,Science CHINA Technological Sciences(中国科学 技术科学)杂志编委。
Experience and achievements:
Prof. ShiearnedhisPhDfromTokyo Institute of Technology in 1997. Currently, heis a professor at the School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has worked at Lanzhou University and the University of Electro-Communicationsin Japan.
He is currently engaged in materials science, and his research interests include metal physics, nanostructured functional materials, and material structural analysis. The main research topic is the preparation technology of nanostructured magnetic recording materials and the evaluation of the corresponding structures, microstructures and properties, including the development and investigation of new perpendicular magnetic recording materials and new giant magnetoresistive materials. He is a member of the Japan Institute of Metals, a member of the Applied Physics Society in Japan, a president of the Society of Chinese Scholars in Materials in Japan, a visiting professor of “Seasky” Scholars at Dalian University of Technology, and a member of the editorial board of Science CHINA Technological Sciences.
Research field:
Metal physics, Nanostructured functional materials, Material structural analysis