10月26日上午,在图书馆一楼报告厅举办了瑞士教授Markus Prandini的受聘仪式。
Markus Prandini是瑞士苏黎世应用技术大学(ZHAW)的国际商务学教授,也是该校亚洲商务中心主任。今年暑假的SIBBC中瑞夏令营就是由Prandini教授牵头并联合三地高校(瑞士ZHAW、深圳技术大学及香港HKBU)一起举办的。

Professor Markus Prandini appointed as Visiting Professor in College of NMNE
The appointment ceremony has been successfully held in the Lecture Hall of Library this morning, where Prof. Markus Prandini was appointed as Visiting Professor in our college.
Prof. Prandini is the Head of Competence Center Asia Business, and Deputy Head of International Management Institute of Zurich University of Applied Sciences. He was one of the initiator of the SIBBC program and has arranged the joint project of sino-swiss SIBBC, which was successfully held in the campus of SZTU this summer.
Prof. Qiu Mingxia, the deputy head of College of New Materials and New Energies issued the certificate to Prof. Prandini in the ceremony, and we both give best wishes to the Sino-Swiss Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.