Christoph Holliger 客座教授
Christoph Holliger Guest Professor
Christoph Holliger是瑞士西北应用科学与艺术大学(FHNW)的荣誉退休教授。他目前仍在瑞士西北应用科学与艺术大学上课,并开展实验工作。他的研究领域是生物医学,尤其是“微循环”。在他后来的职业生涯中,他致力于创建了新的方法用来促进来自全球学术机构的国际团队之间的“跨学科合作”。
基于深圳技术大学和瑞士西北应用科学与艺术大学之间的合作,Christoph Holloger教授曾来访我校,致力于加深与我校的合作并更多地了解我校以及深圳这个城市。
Experience and achievements:
Christoph Holliger is an emeritus professor of University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). He still gives lessons and conducts experiments in FHNW at present. His research interests are in Biomedicine, particularly in 'microcirculation'. Later in his career, he devoted himself to creating novel methods to foster 'transdisciplinary collaboration' in international teams from different academic institutions around the globe.
Based on the collaboration between Shenzhen Technology University(SZTU) and FHNW, Prof. Christoph Holloger visited our university to deepen the collaboration and to learn more about our university and Shenzhen.
Research field:
Biomedicine, Microcirculation