唐俊 助理教授
唐俊,助理教授,深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”C类人才。2020年7月毕业于北京大学,获博士学位,主要从事新型储能材料与器件及其关键技术研究。博士期间,获得国家CSC留学基金资助,公派到美国Drexel University进行联合培养,研究新型二维过渡金属碳/氮化物系列材料在储能领域的应用开发。毕业后加入南方科技大学材料科学与工程系从事博士后研究。以“第一作者”身份在Adv. Energy. Mater,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed,Energy. Storage. Mater以及J. Mater. Chem. A等领域内顶级期刊发表论文十余篇,获国家发明专利授权3项(截至2022年7月)。
2016.8-2020.7 北京大学,先进材料与力学,博士
2018.10-2019.10 Drexel University(美国宾州),联合培养博士
2011.9-2014.7 兰州大学,凝聚态物理,硕士
2007.8-2011.7 大连理工大学,应用物理,本科
2022.07-至今 深圳技术大学,新材料与新能源学院,助理教授
2020.08-2022.06 南方科技大学,材料科学与工程系,博士后
2015.02-2016.08 南方科技大学,材料科学与工程系,科研助理
2014.08-2014.12 北大先行科技产业有限公司,技术工程师
1. 新型储能材料与器件及其关键技术研究;超级电容器、钠离子电池、干法电极技术以及电池回收技术开发;
2. 新型二维过渡金属碳/氮化物(MXenes)在能源领域、红外探测/屏蔽隐身,太赫兹吸波,电磁屏蔽等领域的应用。
1. 深圳市知识创新计划基础研究项目, 2020.11,150万,参与
[1] J. Tang, T.S. Mathis, X. Zhong, X. Xiao, H. Wang; M. Anayee, F. Pan, B. Xu, Y. Gogotsi, Optimizing Ion Pathway in Titanium Carbide MXene for Practical High-Rate Supercapacitor, Advanced Energy Materials. 11 (2021) 2003025.
[2] J. Tang, T.S. Mathis, N. Kurra, A. Sarycheva, X. Xiao, M.N. Hedhili, Q. Jiang, H.N. Alshareef, B. Xu, F. Pan, Y. Gogotsi, Tuning the Electrochemical Performance of Titanium Carbide MXene by Controllable In Situ Anodic Oxidation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 58 (2019) 17849–17855.
[3] J. Tang, W. Yi, X. Zhong, C. (John) Zhang, X. Xiao, F. Pan, B. Xu, Laser writing of the restacked titanium carbide MXene for high performance supercapacitors, Energy Storage Materials. 32 (2020) 418–424.
[4] J. Tang, H. Wan, L. Chang, B. Hu, S. Cui, Y. Chen, W. Chen, J. Hao, H. Tang, X. Wang, K. Wang*, C. (John) Zhang*, Q. Wen, X. Xiao*, B. Xu*, Tunable Infrared Sensing Properties of MXenes Enabled by Intercalants, Advanced Optical Materials (2022)., 2200623.
[5] J. Tang, L. Zhang, X. Zhong, X. Wang, F. Pan, B. Xu, A laser synthesis of vanadium oxide bonded graphene for high-rate supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Chemistry. 49 (2020) 174–178.
[6] J. Tang, D. Liu, Y. Zheng, X. Li, X. Wang, D. He, Effect of Zn-substitution on cycling performance of α-Co(OH)2 nanosheet electrode for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2 (2014) 2585–2591.
[7] J. Tang, X. Zhong, H. Li, Y. Li, F. Pan, B. Xu, In-situ and selectively laser reduced graphene oxide sheets as excellent conductive additive for high rate capability LiFePO4 lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources. 412 (2019) 677–682.
[8] S. Cui, J. Tang (共一), B. Hu, P. Wang, J. Guo, Y. Peng, X. Wang, B. Xu*, In situ fabrication of dry/gel bilayer Ti3C2Tx films for high-rate micro-supercapacitors. Chemical Communications (2022), 58, 8954-8957.
[9] L. Zhang, J. Tang (共一), S. Liu, O. Peng, R. Shi, B. Chandrashekar, Y. Li, X. Li, X. Li, B. Xu, C. Cheng, A laser irradiation synthesis of strongly-coupled VOx-reduced graphene oxide composites as enhanced performance supercapacitor electrodes, Materials Today Energy. 5 (2017) 222–229.
[10] X. Xiao, W. Yao, J. Tang (共一), C. Liu, R. Lian, P. Urbankowski, M. Anayee, S. He, J. Li, H. Wang, Y. Gao, Y. Wei, Y. Gogotsi, Interconnected Two-dimensional Arrays of Niobium Nitride Nanocrystals as Stable Lithium Host, Batteries & Supercaps. 1 (2021) 106-111.
[1] W. Chen, R. Guo, H. Tang, K. S. Wienhold, N. Li, Z. Jiang, J. Tang, X. Jiang, L. P. Kreuzer, H. Liu, M. Schwartzkopf, X. Wei Sun, S. V. Roth, K. Wang, B. Xu, P. Müller-Buschbaum, Operando structure degradation study of PbS quantum dot solar cells, Energy & Environmental Science 2021, 14, 3420-3429.
[2] H. Wan, N. Liu, J. Tang, Q. Wen, X. Xiao, Substrate-Independent Ti3C2Tx MXene Waterborne Paint for Terahertz Absorption and Shielding, ACS Nano 2021, 15, 8, 13646–13652.
[3] X. Zhong, S. Ye, J. Tang, Y. Zhu, D. Wu, M. Gu, H. Pan, B. Xu, Engineering Pt and Fe dual-metal single atoms anchored on nitrogen-doped carbon with high activity and durability towards oxygen reduction reaction for zinc-air battery, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2021, 286, 119891.
[4] X. Zhong, Y. Li, L. Zhang, J. Tang, X. Li, C. Liu, M. Shao, Z. Lu, H. Pan, B. Xu, High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries Based on Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Spheres with Ultrathin Nanosheets, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 2970.
[5] X. Zhong, L. Zhang, J. Tang, J. Chai, J. Xu, L. Cao, M. Yang, M. Yang, W. Kong, S. Wang, H. Cheng, Z. Lu, C. Cheng, B. Xu, H. Pan, Efficient coupling of a hierarchical V2O5 @Ni3 S2 hybrid nanoarray for pseudocapacitors and hydrogen production, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5, 17954.
[6] X. Li, J. Zhang, Q. Feng, C. Pu, L. Zhang, M. Hu, X. Zhou, X. Zhong, W. Yi, J. Tang, Z. Li, X. Zhao, H. Li, B. Xu, Redox inactive ion meliorated BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3−δ perovskite oxides as efficient electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 17288.
[7] X. Zhong, J. Tang, J. Wang, M. Shao, J. Chai, S. Wang, M. Yang, Y. Yang, N. Wang, S. Wang, B. Xu, H. Pan, 3D heterostructured pure and N-Doped Ni3S2/VS2 nanosheets for high efficient overall water splitting, Electrochimica Acta 2018, 269, 55.
[8] X. Zhong, J. Tang, L. Cao, W. Kong, Z. Sun, H. Cheng, Z. Lu, H. Pan, B. Xu, Cross-linking of polymer and ionic liquid as high-performance gel electrolyte for flexible solid-state supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta 2017, 244, 112.
[9] J. Wu, C. Liu, X. Deng, L. Zhang, M. Hu, J. Tang, W. Tan, Y. Tian, B. Xu, Simple and low-cost thiophene and benzene-conjugated triaryamines as hole-transporting materials for perovskite solar cells, RSC Advances 2017, 7, 45478.
[10] Y. Zheng, L. Qiao, J. Tang, Z. Yang, H. Yue, D. He, Electrochemically deposited interconnected porous Co3O4 nanoflakes as anodes with excellent rate capability for lithium ion batteries, RSC Advances 2015, 5, 36117.
[11] X. Li, L. He, X. Zhong, J. Zhang, S. Luo, W. Yi, L. Zhang, M. Hu, J. Tang, X. Zhou, X. Zhao, B. Xu, Evaluation of A-Site Ba2+-Deficient Ba1-xCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ Oxides as Electrocatalysts for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Scanning 2018, 2018, 1341608.
[1] 徐保民,唐俊,黎焱,李海桥;一种单层多材质导电线路板及制备方法;发明专利;专利号:ZL201710322381.9
[2] 徐保民,唐俊,钟熊伟;一种激光还原批量生产石墨烯粉末的方法;发明专利;专利号:ZL201711013571.9
[3] 徐保民,钟熊伟,孙政,鲁延文,唐俊,李向楠,张杰;一种凝胶电解质及其制备方法、气体传感器和应用;发明专利;专利号:ZL201711003282.0